
An end is a new beginning

It’s here. The day I go back home, after seven weeks in the pretty island of Britain. It’s been exhilarating in more ways than one. The lines between a vacation and a way of life blurred a few times on this trip; I guess that comes with the luxury of having so much time to travel. As much as I would love to make this a way of life, I find the much hackneyed saying currently true – travel is a lot of fun if you have a home to go back to. And home is where I head today. Maybe one day I will make this a way of life, maybe I won’t. But I will always hold these seven weeks very, very close to my heart.

I heard a ton of new words on this trip, in many different accents. I thought it was fitting to play a little trick with them, considering words are one medium through which I have experienced these last few weeks. So I strung ’em all together into one nonsensical sentence :)

Hiya, are we ok there?! Croeso! So you’re new here, aye?! Charms, you’ll love it darling! The history, the architecture, the bloody English <wink>. The weather is always a wee rubbish, but don’t let that bother you. Watch out love, those steps are uneven, they’re medieval. So you think it is charming, ya? Diolch, so do we.  Give us a ring and let us know when you’ll come again. Cheers, have a great trip back!

Here is a quick link to a few favourites.

Until next time.

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